Regain a Strong, Distinct Jawline
When you lose teeth, you risk losing more than just the esthetics of your smile. Your teeth are anchored in your jawbone. Without the stimulation of chewing and healthy roots, your jawbone can begin to recede. You may not only lose more teeth, but your face may take on a sunken, prematurely aged appearance, too. Dental implants give you back the beauty and function of your smile after tooth loss—if you have a strong jawbone to support them. CT Dental Implant Center can make you a candidate for that smile upgrade with bone grafting in Danbury, CT.
As a Columbia University-trained oral and maxillofacial surgeon with nearly 20 years of experience, Dr. Wladimir Gedeon is a verified bone grafting expert. He regularly rebuilds deteriorated jawbones for patients as part of his comprehensive list of dental implant treatments. When he performs bone grafting in an implant surgical site, he promotes new bone growth. The process is as amazing as it is effective.
Rebuilding Your Jaw
Dr. Gedeon performs bone grafting in a modern surgical suite equipped with state-of-the-art technology and multiple anesthesia options. These include local anesthesia, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), and IV sedation, a more advanced type of sedation that essentially lets you sleep painlessly throughout your procedure. Once you’re comfortable, Dr. Gedeon will take a small portion of bone from your own body or a suitable synthetic source and place it where the bone has receded. This bone material will ultimately fuse with the existing bone to reestablish a stable jaw. He may be able to place your dental implants during the same appointment!
Featured Bone Grafting Services
Ridge Augmentation
Sinus Lift
Advanced Healing Techniques
Make Your Smile Strong Again!
Reserve your consultation today.
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